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What Is Freedom?


Humanity has forgotten what freedom means. We live from a programming of slavery, fear and unworthiness as a result of generations of trauma, colonization, ego, and greed. We are enslaved to our thoughts, our pain, and our fears. We are enslaved by our attachment to pleasure and things. We suffer and create suffering. We project our enslavement onto the world. We enslave others in order to continue to feed our attachment to things. We enslave the planet by extracting everything from regardless the cost. We enslave animals to over consume.

We are blind to the reality that we do all of this as an attempt to feel free. But the memory of freedom has been lost and we search everywhere but within ourselves to find it again. Our programming of enslavement is in:The belief that we are unworthy.In living from a scarcity mindset rather than receiving the abundance that the universe and nature gives.It is our hatred and disconnection from our bodies.In our disconnection from our hearts.It is in the taking rather than receiving.It is in the division amongst each other.It is in the lives we create that follow a the expectations of a society and parents that no longer teaches us how to be human beings but rather how to survive and fit into a system that dehumanizes us and uses us like machines.It is in the absence of creativity, dance, rituals, and art.It is in worship of ourselves and the material world rather than the divine.It is in the system process of disconnecting us from being in relationship to everything that makes us human. The land, food, the stars, our bodies, our intuition, our hearts, family, wisdom, community, God.

We are institutionalized. It starts with schools that train us to be workers, so we can work our lives away for money that barely lets us survive, pay taxes, retire and die. Work that consumes our energy and our lives, leaving us with no space for being alive. And meanwhile we cope with this by further being enslaved to the things that are sold to us just to momentarily feel ok.

The greatest form of rebellion is to heal, to set yourself free.. and LIVE.

What is Freedom?

A lot of my content mentions “finding freedom” or “being free” as the ultimate goal or outcome of healing. But being a species that carries a “slave” and fear based programming, who is enslaved by our pain and our avoidance of it, we either don’t remember what freedom means or we hold the wrong (ego based) idea of it.

So let me remind you of what true FREEDOM is so you know exactly what it is you are walking and working towards.

What Freedom Is NOT:

Freedom is NOT doing whatever we want whenever we want.

Freedom is NOT taking what we want if we want it (whether from the earth or each other).

Freedom is NOT being free of responsibility.

Freedom is NOT using other to fill our inner void or meet our needs.

Freedom is NOT the endless accumulation of wealth of material possessions.

Freedom is not succumbing to our lowest selves in order to obtain instant pleasure or instant gratification.

Freedom IS:

Freedom IS forgiveness, releasing anger, resentment, victimhood, and breaking the free from the control holding onto the past has on you.

Freedom IS living with an open heart. Understanding that safety comes from within you (discernment, boundaries, self-respect etc).Living open heartedly is choosing to embody love as a way of being regardless of how others choose to be.

Freedom IS living authentically. Being YOU in the world. Trusting that what you bring to the world has value. Living authentically removes the need to fit it (fitting in is changing yourself for the acceptance of others) but rather finding where you belong (finding the people and places in which you are seen and loved as you are.Living authentically is creating a life that lights you up and feeds your soul. 

Freedom is knowing that when you live authentically and in alignment you will be taken care of and succeed.

Freedom IS living in integrity, aligned with your values, even when it sets you apart.

Freedom IS knowing the inner peace that comes from being true to yourself detached of the acceptance or reaction of others.

Freedom IS honouring the responsibility we have towards others (family, friends, the planet, our community, and life).

Freedom is being of service in the world.

Freedom is being in sacred relationship to our bodies, the each other, to the planet, to life, and to the divine.

Freedom is loving and being loved exactly as the flawed human being that we are.Freedom is asking for help.

Freedom is expression: creating, dancing, singing, praying, seeking moments of silence, enjoying our own company.

Freedom is being present.

Freedom is living in trust and faith and not in fear.

Freedom is being open to receiving the abundance available to us.

Freedom is learning from every experience and using each one to grow.

Freedom is radical acceptance of the things you can’t control, of yourself, of others, of life.

Freedom is surrender, knowing how to flow.

Freedom is walking through life rather than fight.Freedom is meeting your shadow with love knowing that it is your protector and still making choices with courage, curiosity, and trust.

Freedom IS our given right. To live free is the right of all living beings. WE were created to live free.To heal is to set yourself free. We heal, we become free, we set others free, we create a world that is once again free.

Ask yourself:

Are you free?

If the answer is “No” then what is it that you need to heal and release in order to be so.

How does your attachments to the past, your pain, control, etc cause you and those around you suffering?

How would you live your life if you were free?What choices would you make differently?

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